What a brilliant and poignant counterpoint to my article about married life after 50. I marvelled at how these two experiences echoed the realities that we all share in some way or another?

They remind me that there is no right or wrong way to live life - only that we are accepting and respectful of the journey of those around us. That we are open to supporting each other and sharing the challenges that we all face in our journeys.

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Well said Brian; perhaps marriage also exists on a spectrum that covers a whole range of experiences that make up the human condition.

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Beyond marriage, this captures so much about the human experience: from internalizing/cementing our early socialization and all that goes with that; to the priorities/values we build our lives around; to those periods when we're wading through a fog and only able to gain clarity later in hindsight.

"It seemed like only yesterday the future was a distant destination..." As we enter our 50s, the realization of how much of our lives is behind us really sinks in, and it's even more intense when coupled with the realization there's no do-over option. Fortunately, there's always that option to redefine things in our lives going forward — including the option to redefine our very self.

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Thanks for that thoughtful response as always Susan. The view does look very different at various stages of life and sometimes realizing that we are almost out of runway helps to focus the mind and provide some clarity on the things that matter.

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This hits hard like a suckerpunch to the gut - which is why I put off reading it until I could gird my courage. Each decade was defined by a woman, a yin to the yang. In this decade, will you seek the anima within? What a raw, brave piece of writing.

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Thank you Anna; who knows what the next decade has in store but I figured introspection was as good a place as any to begin.

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