There's so much in this poem, so many truths stated. It struck me that if I were reading it 30 years ago, it would hit me very differently and probably feel quite threatening (ideologically.) Many lessons for me to take away from that . . .

Your ability to capture all aspects of life in poetry so vividly and honestly, from the darkest of dark to the most beautiful bright spots, is remarkable.

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As always, Brian, the rhythm of your poetry provides a pulse and intensity for the reader as we move through the emotions that pound the page with vicious intensity. On one hand, I am sure every generation has felt the jittery nerves of power out of control - for has it not forever been thus? On the other, there's the sneaking sensation that something more is very, very wrong. The decisions we make seem to be not our own , our alleged agency another brick in the wall. Only in Creation can we find Truth.

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