Thanks so much for the mention Brian, it’s sincerely appreciated.

Wow—you knocked it out of the ballpark! What a great piece, and what an awesome job exploring the breadth of the subject, capturing just how important and relevant it is. The way the prose set the stage for each of the poems (both very potent), and the way it all flowed, worked perfectly.

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Thank you Brian. Your article is so relevant in today's fast paced technologically driven environment. It's become too easy to lose the authentic depth in our relationships when most of our interactions depend on virtual exchanges. Fostering our long held friendships is so important for a sense of security and mental wellbeing. Even our weaker ties have an important role to play. They are often the ones that provide new opportunities, unexpected insights, or introductions to ideas that we might otherwise never have realized from our closest community members. As you say, "social connections are more important than ever."

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