The Power of Tenacity
By Anna Garleff | Tenacity is about resilience, readiness, and strategic perseverance.
Written by Anna Garleff for Seeking Veritas on Substack as part of our collaborative partnership with GCCG
The Power of Tenacity: Pursuing Success with Resilience and Readiness
In the dynamic world of entrepreneurship, where challenges abound and you're second-guessing everything all the time, consider the concept of tenacity as a guiding principle that separates the successful from the rest. Tenacity can be defined as the quality of being persistent and determined in the face of adversity – and this encapsulates not only resilience but also a strategic mindset that prepares one for seizing opportunities when they arise.
Why am I writing about this now? Because I see so many of you struggling to balance the beck and call of summer – it's allure of beaches, relaxation and fun time – with the work of building and scaling businesses.
It's a sad amusement every year to see people palpitate and panic once the frenzy of September arrives like they're a bunch of scrambling squirrels who have forgotten to gather their nuts for the winter ahead. The expression “go nuts” didn't come from nowhere.
So what about work/life balance? And now is not the time to think of “all that”?!
Yes, yes it is. Have your sun and fun and keep your eye on the prize.
Resilience in Action
Winston Churchill once famously said, "Success is not final, failure is not fatal: It is the courage to continue that counts." These words echo the essence of tenacity in business. Entrepreneurs often encounter setbacks—financial hurdles, market fluctuations, or even personal doubts—that can derail their journey. Yet, those who persevere through these challenges, who refuse to yield to temporary defeats, are the ones who ultimately triumph.
Elon Musk (although I can't say I'm on board with his approach to humans as much as his approach to technology) is another visionary who embodies this spirit of unwavering determination. Despite facing numerous setbacks and criticism, Musk persisted in his pursuit of revolutionary ideas, from electric vehicles to space exploration. His journey underscores the importance of persistence in the face of adversity and the belief that every obstacle is a stepping stone towards greater success.
Most of my job is getting people ready for success. That is to say: preparation for opportunity. Too many people only start moving once the gun had been fired. It's really frustrating to help people catch up when they could be far ahead.
Luck, as the saying goes, favors the prepared. In business, this readiness translates into a proactive approach—a continuous process of preparation, rehearsal, and adaptability. Successful entrepreneurs not only anticipate opportunities, but also diligently prepare themselves to capitalize on them.
Peter Drucker, the go-to author on management, emphasizes the significance of preparation: "Plans are only good intentions unless they immediately degenerate into hard work." This philosophy underscores the idea that true readiness is not just about having plans but about executing them meticulously. It involves being well-versed in one’s industry, honing skills consistently, and staying attuned to market trends. Even in summer.
Tenacity in Practice
Numerous business leaders exemplify the principle of tenacity through their journeys. Almost everyone has heard how Oprah Winfrey faced multiple obstacles early in her career, including being fired from her first television job. Yet, she persisted with resilience and eventually became one of the most influential media personalities globally. Her story illustrates that setbacks are temporary, but the commitment to one's goals is enduring.
Similarly, Steve Jobs navigated through phases of failures and successes throughout his career., even after being ousted from his own company. Jobs returned to lead Apple to unprecedented heights, revolutionizing industries with innovative products like the iPhone and iPad. His relentless pursuit of perfection and refusal to give up embody the essence of tenacity.
These giants did not achieve success alone on an ice floe. What we hear about is their individual – almost heroic – successes. We are, after all, an individualistic culture. What we don't hear about is the army of people supporting them in one capacity or another.
The Role of a Coach
While tenacity is intrinsic to entrepreneurial success, having a seasoned coach can amplify its impact. That's an understatement. A great coach provides invaluable support—offering insights, challenging assumptions, and providing constructive feedback. They serve as a sounding board for ideas and a guide through challenging times, ensuring that entrepreneurs – and anyone in the world of work – stay focused on their goals and adapt effectively to changing circumstances.
As Mark Zuckerberg once remarked, "In a world that’s changing really quickly, the only strategy that is guaranteed to fail is not taking risks." A skilled coach helps entrepreneurs navigate these risks intelligently, encouraging calculated risks while mitigating potential pitfalls.
Sometimes the real risk and the real challenge isn't the market, it's you.
So tenacity isn't just about persistence; it is about resilience, readiness, and strategic perseverance. It is the unwavering commitment to one's vision despite obstacles and the preparedness to seize opportunities as they arise.
Ultimately, the journey of entrepreneurship and career transitioning is as much about the mindset as it is about the actions taken. As Thomas Edison said: "Many of life's failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up."
Stay tenacious, stay prepared, and consider the invaluable support of a knowledgeable coach who can guide you towards achieving the success every business owner aspires to achieve. Enjoy the sun, and keep your eye on the prize.
About the Author: Anna Garleff is an Organizational Psychologist and Executive Coaching. She works with C-Suite clients around the world, focusing on scaling up and leading diverse teams through Garleff Coaching & Consulting Group. She has been a ghostwriter for KPMG, Deloitte and PwC; and a former Director of the Open University (UK) operations in Germany.
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