The Future Belongs to You - A Poetic Response
A poetic response to the article The Future Belongs to You: Design it, then live it.
Vernon Hiller recently joined Seeking Veritas by The Professor, The Poet & Friends and his articles are very inspirational. After reading his most recent submission The Future Belongs to You: Design it, then live it I was inspired to write this poem. If you missed Vernon’s excellent article make sure to read it before reading this poem as it may give you a better appreciation of this poem.
Darkness lingers Clammy fingers Deepest night Hateful sprite Bitter despair Caught unaware Lost chance Bad circumstance Mental health Stealing wealth Lost prospects Absent contexts Missed potential Life inconsequential Engulfing night Disappearing light Hope eternal Struggling kernel Refreshed aspiration Increased motivation
Bio: Brian Sankarsingh is a Trinidadian-born Canadian immigrant who moved to Canada in the 1980s. He describes himself as an accidental poet, with a passion for advocacy and a penchant for prose, an unapologetic style, he offers his poetry as social and political commentary.
In Keys to Great Writing, the first chapter is “Economy: Make Every Word Count” and it cites a famous poem as an example. Your poem would serve as an equally effective example. Every line is just two words — two words! — yet those two words say so much. And every single word can stand alone with meaning or as an image. A beautiful and powerful interpretation of Vernon’s great article.
Such a poignantly touching poem Brian. As much as the world can be cruel, it also teaches us through pain & sorrow, enriches us through its beauty, and provides perspective in its majesty. Yes, even in the darkest moments, hope can spring eternal.