Seeds of Awakening: Croydon DeMello interviews Felicia Gualda
A collaborative partnership between Seeking Veritas and The Focal Thought Podcast to share original audio interviews with thought leaders as part of our commitment to viewpoint diversity
Hosted by Croydon DeMello and shared with Sankarsingh-Gonsalves Productions.
“All it takes is one focal thought to drastically alter the trajectory of your life for the better." - Croydon DeMello
In this episode Croydon DeMello sits down with Felicia Gualda an energy mentor who is a Luminous Awareness Practitioner and is AARM Certified (Adult Attachment Repair Model)
She teaches people that one can make a choice based on the intention of the will to become aware and consciously take back power of the self to attain living in freedom, love and connection to the soul.
Listen to the interview below:
The Focal Thought' podcast is reproduced by SG Productions with permission as part of a collaborative partnership.
Bio: Croydon DeMello is the founder and host of the podcast The Focal Thought. The show features interviews with people who have attained mastery in various field - In his spare time he is a practicing Jazz musician and describes himself an aficionado of the culinary arts.
Croydon is the author of the book ‘All The Best In Your Life: Practical Principles Toward An Effective Life’ | Available on Amazon