10 Negative Effects of Cancel Culture
Brian Sankarsingh discusses the modern phenomena of cancel culture and gives reasons why we need to move away from it
In recent years, the term "cancel culture" has become a significant point of contention in the world of politics, social media, entertainment, and public discourse. Being “cancelled” has become anathema to those engaging in any of these spheres. Cancel culture consists of being called out for bad behaviour or perceived wrongdoing and consequently suffering in one’s personal, professional and social life. A person can become somewhat of a pariah and can oftentimes lose their job and even be abandoned by their friends and family because of it. Proponents argue that it serves as a tool for accountability and social justice, but there is growing concern about the negative effects of cancel culture. The idea of cancel culture was first raised in social media in late 2017 and was used to describe the trend of criticizing and denigrating people for perceived faux pas. By 2018, the words and their associated action had become ubiquitous in everyday parlance. During this time, it was mainly public figures who were the casualties of cancel culture. However, now any person could be singled out and cancelled by any advocacy group. For this reason alone, it would be in our best interest to look at the effects of cancel culture and delve into the nuances and consequences that accompany this modern phenomenon.
The Suppression of Free Speech
One of the most glaring concerns surrounding cancel culture is its potential to stifle free speech, diligent debate and open dialogue. This is because cancel culture often results in self-censorship as individuals, fearing backlash, choose not to express their opinions, even if they are well-intentioned or thought-provoking. Cancel culture has created an atmosphere where one misspoken word can lead to a public shaming and even the loss of one’s ability to earn a living. Many may opt to stay silent rather than face the risk of being "canceled." This stifling of free speech hinders intellectual and social progress, as robust debates and discussions are essential for growth and understanding. But more than that, the stifling of free speech could lead to driving what may be perceived as “oppositional arguments” underground. Thus, instead of opening the public square for debate and discussion on alternate and opposing ideas, what may be considered to be “counterculture” discussions are instead relegated to kitchen tables. While inherently this might be okay, innovation is stifled without the push and pull of thoughts and ideas – more on this later.
The Lack of Due Process
Cancel culture often lacks due process. This alone can unexpectedly undermine the principles of justice and fairness. In the court of public opinion, allegations can lead to swift condemnation without thorough investigation or consideration of evidence. The rush to judgment can result in the wrongful destruction of an individual's reputation, career, and personal life. While there are legitimate cases of misconduct that deserve public attention, the absence of a fair process can lead to unjust consequences for those wrongly accused. It becomes problematic when after accusations are made and eventually proved to be false or wrong, the person who was cancelled has little or no recourse to clear their wrongly besmirched name. This lack of due process is exceptionally concerning because it means that any one of us, even this author writing this article, could be summarily cancelled for calling out cancel culture, and be left with little or no recourse.
The Impact on Mental Health
If you have not yet discerned it, cancel culture can take a significant toll on the mental health of individuals. The relentless attacks on social media, coupled with the fear of losing one's livelihood, can lead to anxiety, depression, and even suicidal thoughts. We’ve seen examples of this many times over, and yet we continue to pursue the course. I recently wrote a poem that might, in many circumstances, be considered a bit controversial; in a different time and place, such a poem might actually help further the discourse on the topic and events about which it was written. Nevertheless, I did not share it. I chose that course of action because of cancel culture. I had no real care for picking a side in my poem, but the topic itself is so polarizing and divisive that even not picking a side could get one cancelled. I could not help but reflect on my reason for not sharing this poem - the intense pressure and vitriol can make it challenging for those who have been canceled to recover emotionally and professionally.
The Deterrent to Creativity and Innovation
In creative fields, cancel culture has the potential to stifle innovation and artistic expression. Artists, writers, and entertainers may find themselves self-censoring their work for fear of backlash, leading to a homogenized cultural landscape devoid of challenging or controversial content. As in my example above, I have always believed that poetry challenges the human spirit. Satire and comedy also force us to look at ourselves and our actions in a different way; however, many comedians and writers are self-censoring in order to steer clear of the chance of being cancelled. If famous comedians, poets and satirists can be cancelled what does that mean for a person just being their professional career in that field? In an environment where "canceling" is prevalent, the risk-averse may thrive while risk-takers may choose to opt out, ultimately limiting the range and depth of creative endeavors.
The Reinforcement of Echo Chambers
Cancel culture often thrives in online echo chambers where like-minded individuals amplify each other's views and disregard opposing perspectives. It stifles and eradicates challenges to what it deems should be the status quo. This reinforcement of echo chambers can hinder social progress and understanding. When individuals only engage with those who share their beliefs and cancel anyone who thinks differently, it becomes increasingly difficult to find common ground and foster empathy, which is essential for addressing societal issues effectively. We see this lack of empathy growing exponentially and bringing with it a more narcissistic culture. This “I am the main character” thinking becomes the antithesis of cancel culture and is equally fostered and spurned by it.
The Diminishing Opportunities for Redemption
Cancel culture is the modern equivalent of '“an eye for an eye” however because of how it operates the accused, his family and friends also suffer. If we are to foster, grow and sustain a compassionate, empathetic and just society we must inherently allow individuals to grow and learn from their mistakes. Cancel culture often makes it challenging for people to seek redemption or make amends for their past actions. It takes the individual’s action and brands it into their digital forehead for all to see. It stalks them and shames them wherever they go and whatever they do. It refuses to give them an opportunity to learn and do better. This unforgiving environment discourages personal growth and development, as individuals may feel that there is no hope for rehabilitation once they have been canceled; instead choosing to double down on the words or actions that got them cancelled in the first place. “What’re they going to do? Cancel me? They’ve already done that!”
The Proliferation of Vigilante Justice
Cancel culture's informal approach to dealing with perceived wrongs can lead to a sense of mob mentality and vigilante justice. The online "cancel mob" may seek to harm individuals, both personally and professionally, as they take matters into their own hands. The court of public opinion now does not only pass its sentence, it also executes judgement – all without giving the person the opportunity to defend themselves, the freedom to say what they want to say or the space to change. This can result in collateral damage, affecting not only the individual being canceled but also their family, friends, and colleagues.
The Polarization and Division
Cancel culture is contributing to the polarization and division within our society. As cancel culture frequently revolves around ideological, political, and social differences, it deepens existing divides. When individuals are more focused on canceling those who disagree with them, they are less inclined to engage in constructive dialogue and seek common ground, exacerbating the fractious state of public discourse. Cancel culture does not want dialogue, debate or disagreement. Instead, it demands compliance, dogmatism and conformity. This divisiveness does nothing to help our society. It creates chaos and breeds anarchy. People see themselves as “fighting for freedom” and it immediately separates the camps and insulates them against any sort of constructive dialogue.
The Ineffectiveness in Promoting Change
While cancel culture may be intended to promote accountability and social change, it often fails to achieve these goals. The backlash and backlash-to-the-backlash cycles can create a sense of fatigue and desensitization, causing people to tune out from important discussions about real issues. Instead of driving meaningful change, cancel culture can become a form of performative activism, where the focus shifts from addressing injustices to punishing individuals. As a society, we cannot foster a good and safe place if all we do is focus on punishing people we deem to be “other” because of their ideologies and beliefs. The fact is that this is much easier to do. It is easier for the steamroller of cancel culture to run over a person that to make the space for dialogue.
The Unintended Consequences
Cancel culture often leads to unintended consequences. For instance, when a person is canceled, their supporters may become even more entrenched in their views, viewing the cancellation as an unjust attack. This entrenchment can result in a strengthening of extremist positions and further polarization within society. We see this especially in politics; and it is in politics where the potential damage has far-reaching and societal destroying consequences.
While cancel culture may have emerged as a response to perceived injustices and inequalities, its negative effects cannot be ignored. The suppression of free speech, lack of due process, impact on mental health, and other consequences pose significant challenges. As a society, we must strive to strike a balance between holding individuals accountable for their actions and providing opportunities for growth and reconciliation. After all, if we are forced to define ourselves by the [worst?] mistake we’ve ever made, what roles do forgiveness and redemption play?
This is not always the easy way; it demands empathy, understanding, care and compassion for someone who may profess to hate who and what we are. It demands that we look beyond our selfish needs and wants. It is hard work, but if we want our society to survive it is work that must be done – and done TOGETHER!
Bio: BRIAN SANKARSINGH is a Trinidadian-born Canadian immigrant who has published several books of poetry on a wide range of social and historical themes including racism, colonialism, and enslavement. Sankarsingh artfully blends prose and poetry into his storytelling creating an eclectic mix with both genres. This unique approach is sure to provide something for everyone.
First, the "acceptable" position gets established; the stance a "good" person holds. It then seems that to critique, challenge, disagree, disbelieve, dislike, disapprove, reject, or refuse to unquestioningly promote/support said stance gets labelled as hateful, harmful, threatening, dangerous and "bad", which is then used to justify cancel culture. Much of the media has no compunction about making things worse by manipulating the truth and taking things out of context, stirring the pot and further inflaming tensions by exploiting people's trust and emotions. Emotional reactions are plentiful, often bound up in and fueled by a few easy to recite but shallow talking points circulated by the media. Meanwhile mature, seasoned, critical, nuanced, broadly informed independent thought wanes.
Love this line: "Thus, instead of opening the public square for debate and discussion on alternate and opposing ideas, what may be considered to be 'counterculture' discussions are instead relegated to kitchen tables." Not having this kind of public square discussion is a huge loss.
Thank you for this Brian. An excellent exploration of the impact and repercussions that cancel culture can have on our society. Nothing is ever black or white many times. Life is all about the grey areas. Cancelling those who explore them, even when they are wrong, stifles in-depth debate and limits everyone's ability to grow, pitting one side endlessly against the other. Diplomacy is fast becoming a dying art. There must be room for exploration of other views, perspectives and ideologies. Otherwise we are doomed to greater divisiveness and polarization. Great article Brian!